Comments have been disabled (temporarily or permanently)

Hello everyone, just wanted to note why comments are disabled:

The game seems to have been put under review: and it seems the cause is the comment section of this game. By no means is this your fault (unless you’ve been problematic in there), but I’ve done this to get the game back to search results, because it’s been banned??

Let me get a few things straight about the comment section, before I contact the support team and eventually re-enable the comment section:

  • The comment section is NOT a chatroom: please do not use this comment section as if it’s a channel on a Discord server!! It floods the comments way too much, and we’ll be removing comments like these if we spot them. (We’re pretty lenient on this, responding to questions is still allowed / having conversations, albeit please keep the comments to a minimal)
  • Please do not ask to work on the game: I have no plans on hiring anyone soon.
  • No mobile builds. Sorry.
  • Please don’t spam about when versions are coming out: I’ll announce when they’ll come out!!

Thanks, and sorry about having to disable comments!!


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