The journey begins!

Hello and welcome, to Foxo’s Fun Schoolhouse!

Like I’ve already stated a couple times, this is a game I’ve been working on since April for a good friend of mine. Whenever I look back at the original screenshots of the game I can really tell how much it has changed! It went from placeholder graphics, to Paint 3D, to Anim8or! (Personally I prefer the Anim8or graphics over the Paint 3D ones)

Sadly there’s a few things I can’t get done on time for the game’s release:

  • Controller support (Rewired Input System)
  • Rumble support (Yes, you will be able to toggle this)
  • More easter eggs
  • Quality-of-Life features
  • Bugfixes.

When the first version of this game releases, I’ll first be focusing on fixing the bugs that you guys report. After that, I get started with the fun stuff!!

Working on this game has really been a blast, and it’ll be pretty sad to see it end. I do have more games planned for the future though! I plan on doing this gamedev thing for as long as I can. School may get in the way, but I suppose summer vacation always exists! And no, it won’t always be Baldi games, haha! (I do enjoy making Baldi’s Basics games, let me make that clear!!)

That’s about all I have to say. I really hope you enjoy Foxo’s Fun Schoolhouse when you play it, cause I’ve probably put hundreds of hours of work into this game. Bye!

  • Nicec00lkidd

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