Update 1.2 has been released!

It’s been a while. I’ve been busy with a whole bunch of stuff, all planned for the future. I’m starting to slowly get back into updating these games, but just so you know I’ve got a ton of stuff planned!!

Here’s the changelog for update 1.2:

Major changes

  • If you beat a boss, you’ll be able to instantly replay it from the main menu
  • Added Party Benders, the equivalent of Fun Settings in BBCR!
    • Hard Mode: Makes the game.. harder!
    • Chaos Mode: Makes random things happen every 20 or so seconds! Those ‘things’ can vary from the game adding presents, to adding Leo!
  • Get all answers wrong on Blabi. Good luck (I’m so sorry)
  • Added a mod menu (You have to beat the main Blabi boss first!)
    • You’re probably going to have to re-beat it cause the game didn’t log it beforehand. Sorry!

Minor changes

  • Changed CJ’s sprite
  • Added new Blabi cough lines, along with tweaking subtitle colors to the corresponding person
  • Minor tweaks to the ending
  • Special thanks have been re-opened! Sorry if your name isn’t present, I’m not capable of thanking everyone for playing the game!!
  • Added a new secret death screen (for all of ya’ll asking where Velocious was used)
  • Win screen for Main Mode is now pixelated (..sorry??)
  • Added a setting to toggle game crashes on/off


  • Fixed a bug where score would overflow into the negatives
  • Finally fixed Party Yin getting stuck unwrapping his present when an event occurs
  • Fixed a bug where the resolution wouldn’t be set to the right one when you enter the pause menu
  • Fixed table placement where characters couldn’t walk through (near the main entrance)
  • Fixed table placement in the basement to where you can survive Fatal Yin
  • FOV effects now have a consistent speed, independent from the framerate
  • Finally fixed the dreaded stamina bug, where if you were to stand still you could still use your stamina
  • Fixed bug where in Endless Mode, Party Yin would continue speeding up while he wasn’t active
  • Fixed balloon movement being tied to the framerate

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is there any way to keep track of a new patch? ive been trying to beat blabi mode for a while now but the coke keeps going through him everytime

how new update i think its the last update cause Nicec00lkidd need a break for it

we need chapter two....... forgot it


nice. pls fix the coke bug with a bigger hitbox, i tried to beat blabi mode but when i use the coke he goes through it 90% of the time


It’s not a hitbox related bug sadly it’s something I’m gonna have to look into more


oh ok

if you have the mod menu by beating blabi normally, you could use it to disable coke speedup. that way, when blabi gets crazy fast, he can't bypass the coke, but rather get caught on the net (but he does go through a little). so yeah I think the coke may need increased thickness.


thanks for that but ive never beaten blabi mode before so i dont have the mod menu but if i beat it i get it

(1 edit) (+2)

nice, guess what? I FINALY BEAT BLABI MODE!


i know a perfect thing make a map maker


Now the mac update is released

Deleted 129 days ago

new version released

minor update

Deleted 129 days ago


i cant dowload here im not alowed 

there is also gamebanana, but he hasn't put the 1.2 yet. it is still 1.1.2 there.


nvm that


Nice, I had a lot the Coke bug, pls put big the hitbox to solve it

(2 edits)

it has already been there even in 1.1. its not a bug. but I will have to see once the macos version comes out. just time it earlier.


Sadly isn’t that straightforward

Gracias amigo, tú sabes. Si usted puede arreglarlo, ok

(2 edits) (+1)

the coke is so bad and broken pls fix I got all 7 presents in blabi mode and died because of that stupid coke  he goes through it 90% of the time

What was the proximity when you used the coke? Because I experienced similar cases in 1.1.2 where blabi gets a bit through the barrier before getting blocked, enough to catch me.


i was about to comment about that bug

(1 edit) (+1)

that happened to me too

Called entanglement, so use the thing earlier or back away.


cause by a lag or how this happened/works

Deleted 130 days ago



also my friend rage quit while re-beating blabi is he getting nerfed in the near future?


this is the best update ive been waiting since 1.1's release THANK YOU


thanks i literally returned from vacation thanks :D


hey nicec00likidd! Can you make the new update on macbook too?


Gonna do it very soon!


Thank you


Wheres the imac update too i have been waiting forever where is it!!!


It’ll come soon I’ve been busy with personal things


Ok thanks for the reply im gonna play 1.12 in the mean while




wheres the update already bro

Deleted 130 days ago

it is here?





